test 8º - 1º bim

1. Leia o texto a seguir e responda:

Além de jogos, maçãs, esqueletos e gatos pretos, o que mais foi incorporado ao Halloween?

Resultado de imagem para halloween

Halloween, also called All Hallows Eve, is celebrated on October 31st. It is a secular celebration and is associated with a number f activities. People celebrate it wearing costumes, hats and masks for parties and for trick-or-treating. Children go trick-or-treating from house to house with the threat that they will pull a trick if they do not receive a treat, usually candies. Halloween parties often include games such as bobbing for apples, skeletons and black cats. Besides that, it has incorporated ghosts, witches, and vampires into the celebration. The jack-o-lantern is another symbol of this holiday. It is a pumpkin carved into a demonic face and lit with a candle inside.

2. De acordo com o texto, as pessoas usam fantasias (costumes) e mais o quê para comemorar o Halloween? (Mais de uma alternativa pode estar correta).

a) chapéu
b) óculos
c) máscaras

3. O que as crianças fazem para comemorar o Halloween?

4. Acrescente -ed ou -d aos verbos a seguir para escrevê-los no passado simples.

a) We __________________ about different festivals during some classes. (study)
b) My friend and I ___________ a lot about Oktoberfest in Brazil. (learn)
c) We ___________ the oral presentation about Valentines Day yesterday. (plan)
d) Everybody in Paulas family ____________ Carnival last year. (celebrate)

5. Relacione as colunas.

a) Where did you live when you were a child?      (   ) I went to the beach with my family and friends.

b) Did you play a game last week?                                            (   ) Yes, we played chess and cards.

c) Where did you go last Sunday?                                             (   ) My family and I lived in Maceió.

6. What time is it?

Resultado de imagem para what time is it exercicios
Resultado de imagem para what time is it exercicios

Resultado de imagem para what time is it exercicios


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