1º 03/04
Páginas 18 até 23 da apostila.
1. Read the text about the Youth Ambassadors program. Answer the questions in Portuguese.
Presenting the 45 public school students representing brazil in the 2012 Youth ambassadors Program
São Paulo, October 28th, 2011 – The U.S. Embassy in Brazil announced today the 45 students from Brazilian public schools who have been selected to participate in the three-week cultural exchange program, “Youth Ambassadors 2012” in the United States.
To celebrate the program’s 10th anniversary, the U.S. Embassy and the Department of State have selected 45 students, ten more than in previous years. Young people representing 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District will participate in the program in January.
To further celebrate the 10th anniversary of the program, former Brazilian and American Youth Ambassadors have also been selected to participate as mentors to the 2012 students during the first part of the exchange program in Washington D.C.
This year, more than 7,000 students from every Brazilian state competed for placement in the 2012 program, which involved 64 partner institutions throughout the country. Since its inception in 2002, 249 public school students have represented Brazil in the United States as Youth Ambassadors.
The 117 semi-finalists not selected to travel to the U.S. in January 2012 will be invited by the U.S. Embassy to attend an English language and American culture immersion course in July 2012.
disponível em: <http://www.embaixada-americana.org.br/ya-index.php?
former (ex-, anterior),
exchange (intercâmbio),
since (desde),
inception (início),
invite (convidar)
attend (assistir, cursaraction)
a) How many Brazilian students were selected to be Youth Ambassadors?
b) “Youth Ambassadors 2012” was also a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the program. What was done to celebrate the anniversary?
c) How many other Brazilian students were Youth Ambassadors in the past?
d) Who is going to do an immersion course? Why?
2. Work in groups. In Portuguese, discuss the following statement: “We relate to each other because we are similar. We learn from each other because we are different”.
Os verbos regulares (aqueles que sofrem acréscimo do sufixo -d ou -ed) e irregulares, ao falarmos do tempo verbal passado simples você encontra no final de sua apostila (p.59 a 64) as regras estruturais do presente simples e do passado simples (formas afirmativa e negativa).
Usamos do presente simples para falar de rotinas e hábitos e para dar informações factuais e do passado simples para falar dos eventos passados, como em biografias, por exemplo.
3. Complete the following sentences using verbs from the text.
a) “The U.S. Embassy in Brazil _________ today the names of the Youth Ambassadors 2012.”
b) “Thousands of Brazilian students ________________ for a position in the program.”
c) “The 2012 program ____________ dozens of institutions all over the country.”
d) “Unfortunately, 117 semi-finalists were not _________ to go to the U.S.”
4. Complete the gaps using the present simple or past simple form of the verbs in parentheses.
From To Subject
Hi, My name _____ (be) Silvia and I am learning English in Guyana, South America. I _______ (come) to this country with the help of my family and I’m enjoying the visit a lot. I __________ (arrive) two weeks ago and at first it _________ (be) difficult because I _______ (feel) unhappy without my friends and
family near me. But I quickly ________ (make) friends and people here _______ (be) so nice and friendly. I __________ (study) English every day and __________ (help) my host family. I _______________ (not speak) English fluently, but I ________ (want) to learn it. It is a great experience for me!
Best wishes,
As formas I am learning ou I’m enjoying são ações que estão acontecendo no momento da fala de Silvia, e que o tempo também é presente, mas que o chamamos de present continuous
5. Read the following sentences. Underline the correct option. ( As palavras sublinhadas indicam informações sobre tempo: during introduz a ideia de quando uma ação ou situação aconteceu; since indica quando uma ação ou situação começou. Ago também informa sobre tempo e indica há quanto tempo uma ação ou situação aconteceu.)
5. Read the following sentences. Underline the correct option. ( As palavras sublinhadas indicam informações sobre tempo: during introduz a ideia de quando uma ação ou situação aconteceu; since indica quando uma ação ou situação começou. Ago também informa sobre tempo e indica há quanto tempo uma ação ou situação aconteceu.)
a) I’ve been learning English in Guyana since/ago May.
b) The results of the program were announced one week since/ago.
c) I missed my friends and family during/since the trip.
d) This cultural exchange program started during 10 years/10 years ago.
1. Fill in the gaps in the dialogues with the words in the box. They are all taken from the text in situated Learning 3, Activity 1.
since – during – former – youth – attend – immersion
a) Sam: Do you know why English is spoken in India?
Vicky: I don’t know... Maybe because India is a British colony.
b) Tim: Joey, have you and Ann been friends for a long time?
Joey: Yeah, very long, 2001, I think. Our parents are neighbors.
Tim: Really? So you know her well. Hum, does she have a boyfriend?
c) Glenn: Was it your first time in Paris, Sue?
Sue: No, I’d been there a couple of times before. My first time in Paris was the 1990s, when I was a student.
d) Robbie: I’d prefer to hire teenagers for this job.
Paul: Why?
Robbie: Because their gives them energy and enthusiasm to learn the job.
e) zac: You must be excited about the trip to Japan, Laureen.
Laureen: Yes, I really am but also kind of worried.
zac: Worried about what?
Laureen: You know, it’s a language course, so I’ll have lots of classes and many other activities.
f) Joe: What are your responsibilities as an exchange student?
Laura: Well, I have to school, help with the housework and participate in a sustainability project.
2. Study the sentences. Match the beginning of the sentences in column A with their endings in column B. Refer to the item Linking words in the Instant Language section for help.
a) First I reviewed all the activities
b) The car crash was awful!
c) Have a safe return! Let me know
d) Talk to your teacher
e) We tried to call you several times.
f) Intercultural exchange programs are good opportunities to grow up.
( ) if you need extra activities.
( ) However, we didn’t get any answer.
( ) and then I took the test and did it well.
( ) when you get back home.
( ) In addition, students learn spoken language skills ve ry fast.
( ) Fortunately, nobody was hurt.
3. Read the e-mail and fill in the gaps with the past simple form of the verbs in parentheses.
From: alextin_44@hit.com
To: phoebbe_liu@engels.com
Subject: intercultural studies
Hi, Phee!
Hope you are well.
My trip to Mexico (a) was (be) fantastic. I (b) ____________ (come) back home last Saturday and everybody was really eager to see me. I also (c) _______________ (miss) them a lot while I was in Guadalajara, so now it’s time for the family. My cousin Elvis (d) ________________ (call) me yesterday and started talking in Spanish. I (e) (speak) fluently with him and I (f) ___________ (get) really happy with myself.
Write me soon.
Take care!
4. Read the sentences and circle the correct auxiliary verb. (consulte a página 61 da sua apostila)
a) Luke: do/did you see Emily at the disco last night?
Adam: No, I don’t/didn’t. I think she was not around when I got there.
c) When I was a child I don’t/didn’t use to eat fruit and vegetables, but now I do/did.
d) Why doesn’t/don’t Becky stay with us? We have a spare room for her at home. It will be nice to have her in.
e) Michael: How many bottles of fizzy water did/does Alison get at the market?
Hope: About 4 or 5. Why?
Michael: We need a lot more than that. didn’t/don’t you tell her?
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