8º Inglês 17/03

Traduza o texto Valentine's Day e faça o exercício 4 e 5 na sua apostila ou em seu caderno.

Valentine’s day

Resultado de imagem para valentine's dayThere are many legends about the man honored on Valentine’s Day. One of them contends that, back in the third century, Emperor Claudius II prohibited marriages on the assumption that single men were better soldiers than married men. Valentine was a priest who was put to death because he insisted on marrying young couples secretly. 
Another legend says that Valentine was put to prison and there he (a) _________ in love with his jailor’s daughter. From prison, he (b) __________ a letter to his beloved and (c) __________ “From your Valentine”. The letter he sent is considered the first Valentine’s card.
These are just two of many legends and the truth about Valentine is still a mystery. However, one thing is certain: Valentine (d) __________ one of the most popular saints in England and France in the Middle Ages. 
As for the holiday’s origins, it dates back to ancient Rome. At that time, a fertility celebration called Festival of Lupercalia was celebrated annually on February 15th. Around 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius I 
 turned this pagan festival into a Christian holiday, declaring February 14th to be St. Valentine’s Day. 

Resultado de imagem para valentine's day4. Read the text about Valentine’s Day and tick () the date in which it is  celebrated. Then answer: What is the date of a similar celebration in Brazil? How is it called? 
(   ) February 15th.
(   ) June 12th.
(   ) February 14th.
(   ) June 13th.

5. Now read the text again and use the following verbs to fill in the gaps. Use a table of irregular verbs or a dictionary to find out their past forms. One of them is not irregular. Which one? How do you know?
to sign
to be 
to write
to fall
Consulte a tabela da página 55 da sua apostila ou pesquise no site http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br para ver como estes verbos ficam no passado (past tense)


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