1º Inglês E.M. 20/03
first language – second language
– lingua franca.
(primeira língua) é a língua que falamos e aprendemos para nos comunicar nas práticas sociais cotidianas nos lugares em que vivemos;
Second language
refere-se à segunda língua que uma pessoa aprende depois da materna ou é outra língua oficial de um país, que pode ser falada e usada em determinadas comunidades e regiões, como o francês no Canadá.
Lingua franca (a expressão é latina, portanto sem acento no “i”) refere-se ao idioma adotado para estabelecer a comunicação entre grupos de falantes linguisticamente distintos.
Atualmente, a língua inglesa é considerada uma lingua franca, pois é por meio dela que boa parte das pesquisas científicas são divulgadas e o comércio internacional é realizado. O latim (na Antiguidade e na Idade Média) e o francês (entre os séculos XVII e XIX) já tiveram esse status.
Após a leitura do texto responda o exercício 4 e 5 da página 8 e o Homework das páginas 9,10 e 11 na sua apostila ou em seu caderno. Você poderá consultar o INSTANT LANGUAGE (páginas 59 a 64) ou se preferir o site www.solinguainglesa.com.br
4. Work in groups. In Portuguese, discuss the following questions:
a) What is the other language Canadians speak? Do you know why?
b) Why don’t all the people in the USA speak English?
c) Do you know any countries where English is spoken as a second language?
d) Why is English considered an international language?
e) What are the differences between American and British English varieties?
5. Read the following text to find out if your answers to the questions in Activity 4 are right. You may not find all the answers.
The international language: English!
English is present in our daily lives. If you have access to the Internet, most of the information there is in English, if you like listening to pop songs, lots of them are in English, if you go to the cinema, most film productions are in English; in other words, we get in contact with English all the time. There are about 700 million speakers of English around the world. In some countries it is their first language, like in the USA and the United Kingdom. In Canada, for example, people speak English and French as official languages. In other countries, like in South Africa, Pakistan and India, it is the second official language. And we cannot forget people who need to speak the language for professional reasons: the world of science and business uses English as a means of communication. In this sense, English is considered a lingua franca. But is the language the same in all these contexts of use? Of course not. There are many different kinds of English. For example, a British person would call a taxi to go home, but an American would call a cab; a student at school in the USA uses an eraser, whereas a school boy in England uses a rubber. And an American inside a bank waits in line, whereas a British waits in a queue
1. Study the table. Then read the situations and choose the correct answer.
American x British English: Vocabulary Varieties
American English British English
elevator lift
faucet tap
cookies biscuits
stove cooker
check bill
refrigerator fridge
movie theater cinema
a) My stepfather Mike is from New York, US. He loves going to the movie theater. His favorite genres are comedy and thriller.
b) Peter and I were born in London, UK. We live in a small flat downtown. The building is not high, so it doesn’t have a ________________________. We don’t like climbing up the stairs very much.
c) Jeremy is staying with his cousins in California, US. The eldest one asked him this morning, “Would you like some______________________ ?” and he said, “Yes, of course. I prefer the chocolate ones.”
d) Debbie is from Liverpool, England, but now she lives in Florida, US. At the beginning it was difficult for her to understand some words American people use. In restaurants, for instance, Americans always ask for the _____________________ when they want to pay for the meal and go home.
e) Tommy is going to get married soon. His American friends wrote to him asking what present he would prefer: a___________________________ or a____________________________________ .
2. Study the code and break it to discover 5 (five) names of countries where English is an official language.
A = ♣ E = ☼ I = M = ¥ Q = Ө U = ● Y = ╬ B = ▲ F = ♫ J = € N = # R = ? V = ◄ Z = ▬ C = ☺ G = ۩ K = ↔ O = + S = ¿ W = ▓ D = ♪ H = ♥ L = © P = Ψ T = ◘ X = ◊
a) # ♪ ♣ : India
b) ¿ # ۩ ♣ Ψ + ? ☼ : ________________________________
c) € ♣ ¥ ♣ ☺ ♣: __________________________________
d) ▲ ☼ © ▬ ☼ : _________________________________
e) ¿ ♣ ¥ + ♣: ______________________________________
f) Ψ ♥ © Ψ Ψ # ☼ ¿: ______________________________
3. Study the chart to understand how to make questions in English.
Question word auxiliary verb Subject information
Yes/No questions ------ Do you speak any foreign languages?
Information questions Why don’t all the people
in the USA speak English?
Question word Verb to be Subject information
Yes/No questions ------ Are you from Jamaica?
Information questions What is the other
language Canadians speak?
How old are your mom
and dad? XXX
Now choose the correct alternative to complete the rules:
a) Yes/No questions begin with ( ) a question word. ( ) a verb.
b) Information questions begin with ( ) a question word. ( ) a verb.
4. Make questions using the following given words. Pay attention to punctuation.
a) Linda/German/does speak
b) languages/Peter/do/how many/speak/and/Tom
c) you/why/from California/move/did
d) Monica’s husband/French/study/does
e) Steven/how old/Mark/and/are
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