test 1º EM - 27/03

Responda as atividades 1 a 6 em dupla, em folha avulsa e entregue.


Resultado de imagem para intercambio estudantilVocês gostariam de morar em outro país durante um tempo, para conviver com outras culturas e aprender línguas estrangeiras? Leia o texto a seguir e veja uma boa oportunidade para isto acontecer!

Youth Ambassadors Program

        The Youth Ambassadors Program is an initiative of social responsibility of the U.S. Embassy in Brazil, in partnership with public and private organizations. Among our key collaborators are the National Council of State Secretaries of Education – CONSED, the Brazilian Ministry of Education – MEC, and the large network of U.S.-Brazil Binational Centers. […]
         Created in 2002, this program targets Brazilian students who are examples in their communities – in terms of proven leadership, positive attitude, proven social consciousness, academic excellence, and English language ability. The Program’s main goal is to value and promote the strengthening of public education through these students, transforming them in models to their colleagues and communities.
Resultado de imagem para intercambio estudantil        The winners of this contest travel in January to a three-week program in the United States. During the first week, they visit the U.S. Capital and its main landmarks, participate in meetings in public and private sector organizations, visit schools and social projects,
and take a course on youth protagonism. After that first week in Washington D.C., they are divided into smaller groups that go to different states in the U.S., where they stay with host families, attend classes in local high schools and interact with Americans of their same age, take part in cultural and social responsibility activities in the community and deliver presentations about Brazil.
        The experience of being a Youth Ambassador gives these outstanding students the opportunity to expand their horizons at the same time as they help us strengthen the ties of friendship, respect and collaboration between Brazil and the United States.

Disponível em: <http://www.embaixada-americana.org.br/ya-index.php?action=materia&id=7229&submenu=ya-materia.
php&itemmenu=10>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.

1. Após a leitura, responda:
a. What is it about? (Do que fala o texto?)
b. Where was it taken from? (De onde este texto foi retirado?)

2. Read the text quickly. Where can you find information about:(Leia o texto rapidamente. Onde você pode encontrar informações sobre:)

a) the benefits of the Youth Ambassadors Program to students?
b) when the Program started?
c) the organizations that collaborate with the Program?
d) what Youth Ambassadors do in the USA?

3. Match the ideas in A with the items in B. (Combine as ideia de A com as ideias de B)
Resultado de imagem para intercambio estudantil
a) public and private organizations
b) model students
c) study
d) relationship with the U.S.A.

( ) school, course, classes
( ) leadership, social consciousness
( ) friendship, respect, collaboration
( ) Ministry of Education, Binational Centers

4. Now, read the text carefully. Answer the questions in Portuguese. (Agora, leia o texto cuidadosamente. Responda as questões em Português)

a) What are the objectives of the Youth Ambassadors Program?
b) What are the requirements to be a Youth Ambassador?
c) Mention five activities that Youth Ambassadors do in the United States.

5. Study the sentences taken from the text. Complete the gaps. (Estude as frases tiradas do texto. Complete os espaços)

a) “a three-week program _________the United States”
b) “smaller groups that go _________different states in the U.S.”
c) “they stay ___________host families”
d) “deliver presentations _______Brazil”
e) “collaboration _______________Brazil and the United States”

Esta palavras que você completou os espaços pertencem à classe gramatical chamada de preposição, preposition em inglês.

Preposição é uma palavra ou grupo de palavras que liga(m) dois ou mais termos da oração e que estabelece(m) entre si algumas relações. Nessas relações, um termo explica ou completa o sentido do outro. Veja a seguir as que você achou no texto.:

Lugar ou Posição
He must be somewhere about the office. Ele deve estar em algum lugar perto do escritório.
There is a moat about the castle. Há um fosso ao redor do castelo.
Referente a determinado assunto (acerca de, relativo a):
Tell me more about your trip. Fale-me mais sobre sua viagem.
Lugar ou Posição
He is sitting between his two best friends. Ele está sentado entre seus dois melhores amigos.
The project will be ready in five weeks. O projeto estará pronto em cinco semanas.
Lugar ou Posição
Porto Alegre is in the south of Brazil. Porto Alegre situa-se no sul do Brasil.
Movimento ou Direcionamento
Look yourself in the mirror! Olhe-se no espelho!
I studied English from 2000 to 2007. Eu estudei Inglês de 2000 a 2007.
Movimento ou Direcionamento
I was going to school when I saw the accident. Eu estava indo para a escola quando vi o acidente.
Acompanhado, junto
I would like some coffee with milk, please. Eu gostaria de um pouco de café com leite, por favor. 
Can I go there with you? Posso ir lá com você?...
 - Veja mais em https://educacao.uol.com.br/disciplinas/ingles/with-exemplos-de-uso.htm?cmpid=copiaecola

Resultado de imagem para intercambio estudantil6. Volte a questão 5 e estabeleça a relação da preposição em cada frase. Veja o exemplo na questão a:
a. “a three-week program  in the United States”
A preposição in estabelece uma relação entre a palavra program e os termos the United State indicando onde acontecerá o programa.

homework: focus on language 2

Resultado de imagem para english homework1. Go back to the third paragraph of the text. Follow the instructions. (Volte ao texto e leia o terceiro parágrafo. Siga as instruções.)

a) Find in the text the noun for the verb “to organize”. organization
b) Find in the text a word in English for “concurso”._________________
c) Find in the text the noun for the verb “to present”.__________________
d) Find in the text a synonym for “equal”/“identical”._________________
e) Find in the text the opposite of “before”._______________________
f ) Find in the text the noun for the verb “to win”.___________________

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Refer to the Instant language
section for help. (Leia o texto a seguir completando os espaços com as preposições. Veja a referência na seção Instant language página 60 da apostila)

“When I first arrived in Australia to learn English, I was afraid (a) _____________ making mistakes
or not having friends. I was interested (b) ___________________the culture and habits of Australians
but, you know, I was alone and I had never been abroad before. My first classes at school were cool and I think I succeeded (c) _________________making myself understood, even with my poor English. Now, after two weeks, I guess I’m good (d)_____________________ making conversation with all my classmates and I am never, never tired (e)________________ starting a good chat with
anybody I meet. Learning a foreign language depends a lot (f ) _________________our own effort!”
(Elisa, 15)

3. Study the uses of -ing in the Instant language section. Then read the following sentences and
circle the correct form.( Estude o uso do -ING na seção da página 59 da sua apostila no Instant language. Então leia as sentenças a seguir e circule a forma correta.)

a) Michael would love to travel/traveling to South Africa to learn English.
b) Sandra doesn’t want to stay/staying away from home for a long time. She is staying in Belize
for only a month.
c) I am looking forward to meet/meeting new people in my intercultural exchange program
in Canada. I’m sure it will be exciting.
d) There were lots of options to choose from, but Kelly chose to go/going to the United
Kingdom to learn English.
e) When Betsy has time to travel, she always goes to warm places because she can’t stand be/
being in cold places.

4. Complete the sentences with the -ing or the infinitive form of the verbs in parentheses. Refer to the Instant language section for help.(Complete as sentenças com -ING ou com o infinitivo dos verbos entre parenteses. Recorra às páginas 59 e 60 da sua apostila.)

a) John refused to charge (change) his host family. They were incredible and treated him very well.
b) When Carol was away studying German, her family missed _____________(talk) to her every day.
c) Why did you give up __________________(work) at the International School of Languages?
d) Henry can’t afford _________________(study) abroad. He needs a scholarship.
e) I f you decide to travel around Germany, I want you to promise______________________ (call)
every week.
                   Resultado de imagem para homework


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