8º - Inglês 05/05

1. Look at the following texts and answer the questions.
Resultado de imagem para cartaa) What kind of texts are these? How do you know?

b) Which alternative is correct?
( ) Amnuay wrote to Jane to teach her Thai.
( ) Mary wrote to Pedro to introduce herself and describe her life a little.
( ) Jane wrote to Amnuay to introduce herself and describe her life a little.

Dear Pedro,

    My name is Mary Ann Silversmith. Mary is my first name, Ann is my middle name, and Silversmith is my last name. My first name is Mary because my parents like it. My middle name is Ann because it is my grandmother’s name.
    And my last name is Silversmith because that’s my dad’s family name. I’m from Blue Falls, Iowa. It is a small town, but I love it here. I live in a house with a kitchen, a living room, four bedrooms and a storage room. Our garden is also very nice.
    My family is not very big. My dad’s name is Alfred and my mom is Silvia. I have an older brother, Max, and he’s 18. I also have a little sister, Britney: she’s 4 and very cute! And I have a dog too: his name is Napoleon.
    Next Thursday we have a nice holiday, it’s Thanksgiving. For this holiday we get together with all family members and eat delicious food. Then next month we have Christmas, on December 25th.     For Christmas the whole family gets together to celebrate Christ’s birth. Christmas is my favorite holiday because we put up a Christmas tree, and we open the gifts.
    I do lots of stuff in my free time. I play soccer in the school team. I like to hang out with my friends, to watch television and play video game. What about you? What do you like to do? I’m really excited about having a pen pal in Brazil. I hope you’ll write soon.

Resultado de imagem para ideia
Mary Ann

O feriado de Thanksgiving é um dos mais populares dos Estados Unidos e é celebrado na quarta quinta-feira de novembro, como forma de relembrar, simbolicamente, o agradecimento dos primeiros colonos estadunidenses pelas boas colheitas.

March 15th, 2008.

    Hello, Jane
    My name is Amnuay and I’m from Bangkok, that’s in Thailand. I’m 14 years old and I have a younger sister. She’s 11.
    I go to school at Khemkhaeng Vejakur it’s a small school. I have classes from 7 o’clock to 3:30 in the afternoon, so I always have lunch with my friends at the school cafeteria.         Today, for example, we had pork curry with rice, one of my favorite dishes. Do you know curry? It’s a kind of hot spice. After school I like to play basketball with my friends.     And I like comic books, Korean music and other languages.
    So what about you? Write soon and tell me what you like to do and something about your country too! You see, my dad has a pen pal.
    They’ve written to each other for years, so I hope we can be pen pals for a long time too!! Ah, I can teach you to speak some Thai if you like.

2. Read the texts in Activity 1 more carefully. Who writes about the following topics: Mary, Amnuay or both? Follow the example.

a) Hobbies/interests: both
b) Name:
c) School:
d) Holidays:
e) Where she/he lives:
f) Family:
g) Age:
h) Routine:

3. Read again this part of Amnuay’s letter, paying attention to the underlined sentences.

I have classes from 7 o’clock to 3:30 in the afternoon, so I always have lunch with my friends
at the school cafeteria. Today, for example, we had pork curry with rice, one of my favorite

Now read the statements and circle the correct alternative (True or False). Then correct the false

a) The verb “have” in “I always have lunch” is in the past form. (True/False)
b) The verb “had” in “we had pork curry with rice” is in the past form. (True/False)
c) The first sentence is describing a routine, something that happens regularly. (True/False)
d) The second sentence is describing a routine, something that happens regularly. (True/False)

Resultado de imagem para homework1. Match the words on the left to their definitions on the right.
a) Carnival
b) Saci-Pererê
c) Pé de moleque
d) Samba-enredo

( ) It’s a very famous event, celebrated in February or March in Brazil. People dance and wear costumes in balls and parades.
( ) It’s a sweet made of peanuts.
( ) It’s a kind of music that is played during Carnival.
( ) He’s a character of the Brazilian folklore: a smart boy who has only one leg and likes to play tricks.

2. Classify the words in the box under the corresponding categories. Follow the example.

nickname           Independence Day            mother   teacher            bedroom              full            name apartment             last              name               classroom      
parents            New Year’s Eve cafeteria            house         
Christmas              brother

Name           |         School            |          Holidays        |        Where I live          |           Family
3. Read Mary’s and Amnuay’s letters again. Then decide if the following statements are True (T)
or False (F).
a) Mary’s grandmother was called Ann. ( )
b) Mary has a pet. ( )
c) Amnuay studies only in the mornings. ( )
d) Mary and Amnuay like the same sport. ( )
e) Both Mary and Amnuay have a younger sister. ( )

4. Match each question to its corresponding answer.
a) Do you have a nickname?
b) How many brothers and sisters do you have?
c) And where do you live?
d) What’s your typical day like?

( ) I have three brothers and one sister.
( ) We live on a farm.
( ) Yes, it’s Fran.
( ) I study in the morning. In the afternoon I do my homework and help my dad a little. In the evening we watch TV together.


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