english test 8º- 3º bimestre

SITUATED LEARNING 4:  avaliação   de  inglês  8º ano

Writing task – The school menu

Resultado de imagem para cardapio
1. Get together with your classmates in a small group. Your task is to design a menu for the school canteen with healthy foods and drinks. Talk to your colleagues and your teacher to decide on the following topics:

a) The menu may be a big poster on the wall of the canteen or a little booklet. What are the characteristics of this kind of text?

b) The menu is going to have:

 ( ) dishes served on a plate (for example: rice and beans).

 ( ) food you can eat with your hands or finger foods (for example: sandwiches).

c) Menus are often divided into sections (beverages, desserts, etc.). Decide on the sections of the menu and put them in an appropriate order.

d) Do you want to give a name to the school canteen? This is your chance!

e) Now write your draft. For each section of the menu, write at least two options of food or drink. Remember that the options should be tasty and healthy. Don’t forget to include the prices.
Resultado de imagem para cardapio

f) After writing your first draft, show it to other groups and/or to your teacher. They will help you improve your menu.

g) Make the necessary changes and write the final version. At this point you can also use pictures and different colors to make your menu more attractive.



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