1EM/3º Bim/ST3

Situação de aprendizagem 3
Entertainment – leisure and culture

(Página17 da apostila)

1. Take a quick look at this newspaper page written in Portuguese. Then answer:

a) What newspaper section is it taken from?
b) Was it taken from a local small town newspaper? How do you know?
c) Who are the target readers of the page?

2. When deciding what to do to entertain themselves, some people rely on critics’ opinions. Read
the critics’ picks below and answer:

a) What do the words in italics and bold refer to?
b) One of the picks does not indicate when the event takes place (month, month + day, day of the week). Which one? Why?

A pick is something that is considered the best choice, according to someone’s opinion.

CRITICS’ PICKS (escolhas do crítico)

Resultado de imagem para críticoTheater Around the bend, a play by Brian Swift is usually worth watching. Manion Studio, until November 15.

Dance The geobody, best modern dance company ever. A perfect production in every possible sense. Capitol Theater, until November 13.

Music E&F, live recording of new album. Rap lovers can’t miss it. Hype Music Hall, only this Saturday and Sunday.

Movie The killing effect, a must-see for trash horror film fans. The Odeon, after-midnight sessions until December.

Restaurant Thai scent, experimental holistic cuisine with a Thai touch. Perfect for risk takers! 1473 Gowen Avenue.

3. The sentences below are all false. Read the text in Activity 2 again and explain, in Portuguese, why they are false.
a) Brian Swift is the critic’s name.
b) Everybody will love eating at Thai scent.
c) The geobody is a classical ballet company.
d) E&F play rock’n’roll music.
e) The killing effect is playing at the Odeon during afternoon sessions.

Now it's your turn to be the critic.
Resultado de imagem para crítico

4. If you were the critic of a local newspaper, what would your picks be? Follow your teacher’s instructions to write a critics’ picks column. Se você fosse o crítico de um jornal local, quais seriam suas escolhas?

Instruções para escrever uma coluna de escolha dos críticos.

Objetivo: escrever dicas de entretenimento
para a seção “As escolhas dos críticos”.

Para produzir esse tipo de texto, é preciso:

1. Dar um título para a seção (no texto, Critics’Picks; no caso dos alunos, João’s Picks – As escolhas de João, por exemplo; ou João and Ana’s picks – As escolhas de João e Ana).

2. Escrever o tipo de entretenimento (no texto, theater, dance, movie, music, restaurant; ou outros, como park, party) e o nome do evento (no texto, trechos em itálico).

3. Fazer uma rápida justificativa da escolha (no texto, worth watching – vale a pena ver; best .......... ever – o melhor .......... de todos os tempos; ............. lovers can’t miss it! – quem ama ............ não pode perder!; a must-see – obrigatório ver; perfect for ........... – perfeito para ...........).

4. Incluir informações adicionais (no texto, local e período aparecem em Manion Studio, until November 15, Capitol Theater, until November 13, Hype Music Hall, only this Saturday and Sunday; local e horário aparecem em The Odeon, after midnight sessions; endereço aparece em 1473 Gowen Avenue).

Ao final do trabalho, salve-o em seu email.
Resultado de imagem para homework1. In the dialogues below, people are talking about going out. Unscramble the lines to make conversations. Then practice these conversations with a friend!

a) Dialogue 1
( ) Not really. I’ve had a tough week.
( ) Maybe we could rent a movie and watch it at home.
( ) Would you like to go to the movies this weekend?
( ) Fine. What shall we see?

b) Dialogue 2
( ) Good idea! I’m not in the mood for cooking. Where shall we eat?
( ) Let’s go out for dinner.
( ) OK. I heard they have great pasta there!
( ) How about that new restaurant on Main Street?

c) Dialogue 3
( ) Great! Count me in!
( ) Are you free on Friday night?
( ) I have tickets to a rock concert. Paula and Sandra are also coming.
( ) Maybe… Why?

2. Read the “Critics’ picks” in Situated Learning 3 and decide which entertainment option(s) you would suggest to the following people. Explain your suggestions in Portuguese.

a) Jane likes music, but she can’t stand rap or hip hop.

Eu recomendo assistir ao espetáculo The geobody. Ela gosta de música, mas o único show em cartaz
é justamente de rap. O espetáculo sugerido é de dança, o que envolve, também, música!

b) Sally is taking a drama course. She dreams of becoming an actress.

c) Ted wants to become a chef. He is always trying new recipes.
d) Marion doesn’t like crowded places and whenever she goes out, she has to be back before 11 p.m.

e) Ian is a movie addict! He loves all kinds of movies.

f ) Kate is a sports person. She usually likes everything associated with body and movement.

3. Choose a verb in the box to complete these free time activities.

call – go – play – listen – stay – hang – read – ride – watch – see

a) __________________________my friends

b) _________________________around with my friends

c) _______________________for a walk
                                                  out with my boyfriend/girlfriend
                                                  to a music concert
                                                  to the movies
                                                   to the theater
                                                   to church

d) ______________________a musical instrument
                                                computer or video games
                                                sports in the park or in the club

e) _____________________a book
                                              a magazine
                                               the newspaper

f ) ____________________a bike
                                             a motorbike

g) _________________TV

h) _______________a movie at home

i) ______________to music

j) ____________home and get some rest
                            home and tidy up my stuff
                             home and surf the web

4. Now write about your free time. Add other activities apart from the ones in Activity 3. Study
the example below.

    During the week, I don’t have much free time because I go to school and work. Whenever I have a break, I listen to music or talk to my friends on-line. During the weekends, I don’t go out very often, either. I usually stay at home and get some rest. I like to surf the web, watch TV, read a book, things like that. I sometimes go to the movies – usually with a friend.

                                                    Resultado de imagem para entertainment


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