3º EM ST1 vol2

Tema 1 – 21st century professions

Resultado de imagem para profissoes
Situação de aprendizagem 1
Career: Choosing a Profession – Part I

(Pense sobre a escolha de uma profissão e planos profissionais.) 
Think about your future career and discuss the following questions with a partner.

a) What kind of activities do you really enjoy?
b) What are your talents and skills?
c) What characteristics describe your ideal work environment?
d) What career would keep you stimulated and interested in the long run?

Atividade 1 
Objetivo: reconhecer as características de um guia do estudante: leitor-alvo, objetivo, tipos de informações.

Lembre-os de utilizar palavras-chave e cognatas para ajudar na compreensão das expressões novas.

1. Look at the text and answer. What is its purpose? Who would read this kind of text? What for?

Student guide
Choosing your profession!

1. Business Administration − Prepares people to manage different kinds of public or private organizations. This professional will be able to plan, organize, control and foresee a company’s development in order to achieve better results.
Course duration − 4 or 5 years.
Further development − You will have most of your training on the job. The company may also arrange more training courses either in-company or in training centers outside the company.
Where to work − You may work with all types of companies or organizations, industrial and commercial businesses, including health services.

Resultado de imagem para student guide2. Logistics − Deals with managing the flow of goods, information and money.
Course duration − 2 years.
Further development − You will have to update your studies in this field by taking further courses and workshops.
Where to work − You may work in transportation companies, industries and trading companies.

3. Mechanical Engineering − The branch of engineering responsible for the design, production, and use of tools and machines.
Course duration − 5 years.
Further development − You may help your career development by updating your skills and knowledge in order to have a more strategic role in researching, planning and developing new projects.
Where to work − You may work in different organizations, including governmental bodies, the armed services, industries, research and development companies.

4. Digital Games − Prepares people to develop, design and produce games for computers, mobiles and internet, according to market needs. This course can be taken on-line.
Course duration − 2 1⁄2 years.
Further development − You may continue developing your knowledge and skills by attending courses and studying specific programs to create games.
Where to work − You may work in specialized companies or at home, since your presence at the company is not essential.

Atividade 2
Objetivos: reconhecer o gênero guia de cursos e sua organização textual e localizar informações específicas no texto a partir de leitura detalhada (detailed reading).

Atenção para os diferentes tipos de cursos em relação a sua duração. Cursos mais tradicionais continuam tendo duração longa (quatro a cinco anos) e cursos tecnológicos, duração menor (dois a três anos). 

2. Read the text in Activity 1 and answer.

a) What kind of information does the text bring?
( ) course descriptions.
( ) where to study.
( ) where to work.
( ) where to live.
( ) prices.
( ) websites for research.
( ) salaries.
( ) articles about choosing a career.
( ) descriptions of professions.
( ) testimonials.

b) Which courses have the shortest duration?

c) Which course can be taken on-line? What kind of people take an on-line course?

d) Find out where professionals from these fields might work: Logistics and Digital Games.

e) What does a Digital Games professional do?

f) What does a Logistics professional have to do to develop his/her career?

Resultado de imagem para nota Os cursos de tecnologia têm foco muito específico, são práticos e dirigidos às necessidades do mercado, preparando profissionais para atuar em diversas áreas. Além disso, atendem a uma demanda de profissionais especializados em curto prazo para atuar em áreas específicas e, muitas vezes, novas no mercado.
Atividade 3
Objetivo: apresentar as conjunções either... or e neither... nor.

Uso das conjunções either... or e neither... nor. 

A conjunção either... or mostra a possibilidade de uma escolha entre duas alternativas, ou seja, posso escolher apenas uma alternativa, “um ou outro”, e não ambos. Por exemplo:

He is either Spanish or Italian.

Por outro lado, a conjunção neither... nor mostra que as duas alternativas apresentadas estão excluídas: “nem um nem outro”. Por exemplo:

He said he would contact me last week but he neither wrote nor phoned.

Você pode checar na internet as regras de uso dessas conjunções. O seguinte site pode ajudar: <http://www.perfectyourenglish.com/usage/either.htm> (acesso em: 12 nov. 2013).

3. Read the following sentences and identify the appropriate meaning for the underlined conjunctions.

a) “The company may also arrange more training courses either in-company or in training centers outside the company.”
b) “We neither sell nor rent equipment.”

( ) This kind of conjunction shows that both alternatives are excluded.

( ) This kind of conjunction shows two possible alternatives.

Atividade 4
Objetivo: praticar o uso das conjunções either... or e neither... nor.

o verbo voltar para o modo afirmativo quando usamos neither... nor

4. Have a look at the examples and rewrite the sentences using either... or or neither... nor.
a) Mark may take Mathematics or he may take Computer Science.
Mark may take either Mathematics or Computer Science.

b) Carol doesn’t smoke and she doesn’t drink.
Carol neither smokes nor drinks.

c) Ann doesn’t study during the day and she doesn’t study in the evening.
d) Alfred doesn’t work and he doesn’t study.
e) I may become an engineer or I may become a mathematics professor.

f) They can enter university next semester or they can enter next year.


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