Passive Voice

Resultado de imagem para carteiroPASSIVE VOICE

É a maneira como se apresenta a ação expressa pelo verbo em relação ao sujeito. Nós formamos a voz passiva dos verbos no presente, passado e futuro usando o verbo TO BE e o passado particípio do verbo principal. Veja:


(present simple) John delivers the mail. (John entrega o correio)
(past simple) John delivered the mail. (John entregou o correio)
(future with WILL) John will deliver the mail. (John entregará o correio)


(presente tense) The mail is delivered by John. ( O correio é entregue por John)
(past simple) The mail was delivered by John. (O correio foi entregue por John)
(future with WILL) The mail will be delivered by John. (O correio será entregue por John).

👉 Também formamos a  voz passiva (passive voice) em frases no presente om o verbo TO HAVE (HAS) been + o passado particípio (past participle) do verbo principal.

John has delivered the mail
The mail has been delivered by John.

                                              Resultado de imagem para carteiro 

a. Change the following sentenes from active to passive. Be sure to keep the same tense with each change.
    Resultado de imagem para mailman
  • John wrote that letter.   That letter was wrote by John.

  1. Fire destroyed that house.
  2. The audience enjoyed the concert very much.
  3. Mary took that book from the desk.
  4. John will deliver that letter.
  5. Mary has finished the report.
  6. Mr. Smith will leave the tickets at the box office.
  7. The messenger has just left a box of flowers for you.
  8. The police easily captured the thief.
  9. Many people attended the lecture.
  10. Mr. Jones manages the export division.
b. Change the follwing from passive to active.
  • This book was written by John Smith. John Smith written this book.
  1. This entire city was destroyed by the fire.
  2. The town was captured by the enemy.
  3. The money was stolen by an unknown person.
  4. The book was found by Mary.
  5. The book has been returned by John.
  6. The book was torn by the little boy.


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