1º EM - Inglês - vol 2 ST 7

1. Present simple active or present simple passive? Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Resultado de imagem para Beijing
a) Paper _______________ (make) from wood.
b) People _________________ (speak) Chinese in Beijing.
c) Several professionals ________________ (need) to publish a magazine. It’s teamwork!
d) Mrs. Santos ___________________ (teach) Chemistry in our school.
e) Healthy habits ______________ (prolong) life.

2. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.
Resultado de imagem para national museum usa

a) The National Museum ____________________ in 1834.
( ) built   ( ) was built   ( ) were built

b) i couldn’t finish the puzzle by myself. My younger sister ________________ me.
( ) helped   ( ) was helped  ( ) were helped

c) During World War II, radios _______________ as the main means of communication.
( ) used   ( ) was used   ( ) were used

d) Jane Austen _________________ Pride and prejudice in 1813.
( ) published  ( ) was published  ( ) were published

e) They visited several cities when they ________________ around Uruguay.
( ) traveled   ( ) was traveled  ( ) were traveled

3. Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete the story.

Resultado de imagem para break news todayA robbery happened/was happening in the city center last Tuesday morning. The police acted/ were acting quickly and arrested/were arresting two suspects. 
One of them had/was having an alibi: he left/was leaving home around 7 a.m. and went/was going to work. He arrived/was arriving there at 8:15 a.m. and only stopped/was stopping for lunch at 1 p.m. This means that he worked/ was working in his office when the robbery happened/was happening
The other suspect didn’t have/ wasn’t having an alibi. He spent/was spending all morning at home alone. He said he slept/was sleeping when the police officer came/was coming to his house to take him to the police station.

4. Rewrite the sentences in the active voice. Follow the example.

a) The suspects were being questioned by the police officer.
The police officer was questioning the suspects.

b) The meal wasn’t being prepared by the cook.
c) Everything possible was being done by the local authorities to help the homeless.
d) A new tennis court was being built by the construction team.
e) The street wasn’t being used by pedestrians as a shortcut.
f) The new pact was being presented by the President.

Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões 5 a 9.

5. A notícia é sobre:

a) uma família que perdeu tudo o que tinha em uma inundação.
b) uma briga doméstica que acabou em destruição e morte.
c) um incêndio sem vítimas que destruiu uma casa.
d) a tristeza de um homem que perdeu sua família em um incêndio.
e) uma tentativa de homicídio em um subúrbio.

6. Escolha a manchete mais adequada para a notícia:

a) Fire destroys home but not spirits.
b) Paul Fosthersmith found dead in burned down house.
c) Last Tuesday a fire destroyed a house in Stakersville.
d) What happened in Key Bend.
e) Lives lost in fire.

7. O item que contém a resposta à pergunta Why is the family grateful? é: 

a) Nobody knows. We will only understand what caused the fire after investigations are complete.
b) Because nobody was hurt, despite all the destruction. 
c) Paul Fosthersmith is one of the residents of the houses destroyed by the fire.
d) it all began with an explosion.
e) Because Stakersville is a suburban district. 

8. Leia a notícia novamente e responda em inglês:

a) Where did the event take place?
b) When did it happen?

9. No trecho “it all began with an explosion and in no more than five minutes everything was burning”, os verbos em destaque estão em que tempos verbais? Por quê?


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