3ºEM test vol 2 3ºbim
1. Leia os depoimentos retirados de um Student guide e responda: Qual é o assunto dos textos? (1,0)
a) escolha da profissão.
b) o papel da nutrição no esporte.
c) a história de diferentes profissões.
d) as melhores universidades.

2. Leia as frases a seguir a respeito do texto. (1,0)
I. Charles estudou administração.
II. Barbara é comissária de bordo.
III. Andressa estudou medicina.
IV. Rachel participará de um curso este ano.
V. Marshall trabalha em uma fábrica.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Todas as frases estão corretas.
b) Nenhuma frase está correta.
c) As frases I, II, III e IV estão corretas.
d) As frases I, IV e V estão corretas.
e) As frases II, III e V estão corretas.
3. Qual é a principal atividade de trabalho da nutricionista? (1,0)
4. O que o engenheiro mecânico aprendeu no curso?(1,0)
5. Read the following sentences and identify the appropriate meaning for the underlined
conjunctions. (1,0)
a) “The company may also arrange more training courses either in-company or in training
centers outside the company.”
b) “We neither sell nor rent equipment.”
( ) This kind of conjunction shows that both alternatives are excluded.
( ) This kind of conjunction shows two possible alternatives.
6. Circle the correct alternative.(1,0)
a) Unfortunately neither/either the documents nor/or the contracts are ready yet.
b) We neither/either sell nor/or rent computers in this store. It is a music store!
c) He is a great actor! He can be neither/either the hero nor/or the villain.
d) I can meet you neither/either Wednesday nor/or Friday. I’m available both these days!
7. Have a look at the following text and check where it was taken from. How do you know?(1,0)
( ) a magazine. ( ) a flyer. ( ) a brochure.

Read the text in Activity 7 and answer the questions.
8) What is the objective of the Table of contents? (1,0)
9) What is the objective of the Welcome letter?(1,0)
10) What kind of relevant information does the Welcome letter bring?(1,0)
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