3EM - ST7
3ª série do Ensino Médio
Situação de aprendizagem 7
Atividade 1
Objetivos: ampliar repertório lexical pertinente ao gênero; categorizar vocabulário.
Em anúncios de emprego, alguns verbos são usados com bastante frequência e conhecer esses diferentes verbos pode nos ajudar a localizar informações específicas quando lemos anúncios em busca de uma vaga. Leia as listas a seguir, procure o significado de cada um dos verbos e anote-os em seu caderno.
Verbs used when you are looking for a job:
Verbs used to show the tasks and responsibilities of your position at work:
Atividade 2
Objetivo: usar vocabulário em contexto.
Read the following sentences and complete them using the verbs from activity 1.
a) The accountant has _____________ and approve schedules, reports, and balance sheets.
b) The administrative assistant has________________ meetings and make travel arrangements.
c) The sales assistant has ___________________the clients to offer new products.
d) The secretary has __________________the telephone and ____________ her boss.
e) The sales representative has ________________sales contacts to maximize sales volume.
Atividade 3
Objetivo: ordenar as etapas de um processo.
Order this list to show the usual process for getting a job.
( ) Have an interview.
( ) Write your résumé, telling the story of your working life and/or studies.
( ) Send a résumé and the cover letter.
( ) Write a cover letter explaining why you want the job and why you are the right person for that position.
( ) Read the classified ads in the newspaper, visit job websites.
Atividade 4
Objetivo: localizar informações específicas em anúncios de emprego na web.
Read the two ads and fill in the chart according to the information requested.

Atividade 5
Objetivos: reconhecer abreviações em anúncios de emprego e compreender seus significados e suas formas por extenso.
Some classified ads in newspapers have abbreviations. Study this ad and underline the abbreviations. Can you figure out what they mean?

Atividades de expansão
Expansion activities
1. Have a look at this list of abbreviations used in ads and try to guess their meanings.

PT :
eves :
M-F :
sal :
HS Dip :
exp :
req. :
2 yrs exp. pref.:
refs :
apply ASAP :
2. Discuss the following questions in groups of four.
a) If you work:
What do you do?
What are your responsibilities?
What time do you start and leave work?
How do you go to work?
How long does it take you to get to work?
b) If you don’t work:
What kind of job would you like to have?
Where would you like to work?
What routine would you like to have?
Would you like to work from home?
What kind of working hours would you like to have?
Have you ever applied for a job?
If so, have you been interviewed?
Focus on language 7
1. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
a) Did you ever get a job as a typist/typewriter?
b) Don’t forget to ask the cash/cashier for a receipt for your payment.
c) Mr. Coleman is a good employer/employ: he pays his employees/unemployed well.
d) I’ll talk to the bank manager/management to get a loan to buy a new house. e) Stuart’s sister is a very famous science/scientist in our country.
2. Use the tips to complete the word puzzle.
a) When you j________ a team, you become a member of that team.
b) Your manager or supervisor at work is your b___________.
c) “Refs” is an a__________ for “references”.
d) If you are interested in this job, you should a_________for it!
e) Applicants should s____________ their résumés to P.O. Box 321.
f) You can buy a n_________ at the newsstand and look for a good job.
3. Read these sentences and number them (1-8) to discover what happened to Sarah.
( ) She accepted the job because it was an excellent opportunity for her career.
( 1 ) Sarah saw a job ad on a website that called her attention.
( ) After three years Sarah got a promotion to a new department.
( ) She decided to apply for the job and sent her résumé.
( ) But her boss wasn’t satisfied with her work in the new position.
( ) Two weeks later she was interviewed by her future boss.
( ) She was fired.
( ) The company decided to hire her.
4. Read the job ad 1 for a receptionist in Situated Learning 7, Activity 4. Find out eight words that can be abbreviated to save space and money.
a) office – OFF
b) __________
c) __________
d) __________
e) __________
f) ___________
g) __________
h) __________
i) __________
Situação de aprendizagem 7
LEARNING about job ads 2
Conteúdos e temas: ampliação do repertório lexical: verbos típicos de anúncios de emprego; busca por emprego: sequência de etapas; uso e significado de abreviações em anúncios.
Competências e habilidades: reconhecer o significado de verbos característicos de anúncios de emprego; categorizá-los e usá-los em contexto; localizar informações específicas em um texto; reconhecer o uso de abreviações em anúncios; refletir sobre a ordem de eventos no processo de busca por um emprego.

Objetivos: ampliar repertório lexical pertinente ao gênero; categorizar vocabulário.
Em anúncios de emprego, alguns verbos são usados com bastante frequência e conhecer esses diferentes verbos pode nos ajudar a localizar informações específicas quando lemos anúncios em busca de uma vaga. Leia as listas a seguir, procure o significado de cada um dos verbos e anote-os em seu caderno.
Verbs used when you are looking for a job:
- to seek;
- to send;
- to look for;
- to contact;
- to research;
- to find a job;
- to apply for a job;
- to get in touch;
- to submit;
- to have an interview.
Verbs used to show the tasks and responsibilities of your position at work:
- to be available;
- to be able to;
- to travel;
- to join;
- to test;
- to develop;
- to select;
- to coordinate;
- to schedule;
- to manage;
- to type;
- to follow up;
- to provide;
- to answer the phone;
- to assist;
- to analyze;
- to call;
- to organize;
- to file;
- to negotiate.
Atividade 2
Objetivo: usar vocabulário em contexto.
Read the following sentences and complete them using the verbs from activity 1.
a) The accountant has _____________ and approve schedules, reports, and balance sheets.
b) The administrative assistant has________________ meetings and make travel arrangements.
c) The sales assistant has ___________________the clients to offer new products.
d) The secretary has __________________the telephone and ____________ her boss.
e) The sales representative has ________________sales contacts to maximize sales volume.
Atividade 3
Objetivo: ordenar as etapas de um processo.
Order this list to show the usual process for getting a job.
( ) Have an interview.
( ) Write your résumé, telling the story of your working life and/or studies.
( ) Send a résumé and the cover letter.
( ) Write a cover letter explaining why you want the job and why you are the right person for that position.
( ) Read the classified ads in the newspaper, visit job websites.
Atividade 4
Objetivo: localizar informações específicas em anúncios de emprego na web.
Read the two ads and fill in the chart according to the information requested.

Atividade 5
Objetivos: reconhecer abreviações em anúncios de emprego e compreender seus significados e suas formas por extenso.
- A utilização das abreviações em anúncios de empregos deve-se a economizar espaço e baratear o custo para quem anuncia.
yrs, hrs e bnfts = years, hours e benefits

How long does it take you to get to work?
b) If you don’t work:
What kind of job would you like to have?
Where would you like to work?
What routine would you like to have?
Would you like to work from home?
What kind of working hours would you like to have?
Have you ever applied for a job?
If so, have you been interviewed?
1. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
a) Did you ever get a job as a typist/typewriter?
b) Don’t forget to ask the cash/cashier for a receipt for your payment.
c) Mr. Coleman is a good employer/employ: he pays his employees/unemployed well.
d) I’ll talk to the bank manager/management to get a loan to buy a new house. e) Stuart’s sister is a very famous science/scientist in our country.
2. Use the tips to complete the word puzzle.
a) When you j________ a team, you become a member of that team.
b) Your manager or supervisor at work is your b___________.
c) “Refs” is an a__________ for “references”.
d) If you are interested in this job, you should a_________for it!
e) Applicants should s____________ their résumés to P.O. Box 321.
f) You can buy a n_________ at the newsstand and look for a good job.

3. Read these sentences and number them (1-8) to discover what happened to Sarah.
( ) She accepted the job because it was an excellent opportunity for her career.
( 1 ) Sarah saw a job ad on a website that called her attention.
( ) After three years Sarah got a promotion to a new department.
( ) She decided to apply for the job and sent her résumé.
( ) But her boss wasn’t satisfied with her work in the new position.
( ) Two weeks later she was interviewed by her future boss.
( ) She was fired.
( ) The company decided to hire her.
4. Read the job ad 1 for a receptionist in Situated Learning 7, Activity 4. Find out eight words that can be abbreviated to save space and money.
a) office – OFF
b) __________
c) __________
d) __________
e) __________
f) ___________
g) __________
h) __________
i) __________
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