3º EM-ST2


Vocês já ouviram falar de algum projeto no Brasil que proteja as tartarugas ou as florestas?
Conheça alguns:

Resultado de imagem para projeto tamar ubatuba

Resultado de imagem para sos mata atlantica

Esses dois projetos oferecem possibilidades de trabalho voluntário e vale a pena ver como se organizam.

1. Have a look at the following texts. Discover what they are about and match them to the pictures.

  (    )         (   )  

Resultado de imagem para Baula turtle
2. Read the texts and answer these questions.

a) Who is the reader of this kind of text? How do you know?
b) What is the objective of these texts?

3. Read the testimonials and answer: What kind of rewards can a volunteer have? Explain why.
( ) social awareness.
( ) sense of responsibility.
( ) self-confidence and self-esteem.
( ) friendship.
( ) personal experience.
( ) financial compensation.
Resultado de imagem para leatherback sea turtle
( ) maturity.


Volunteer’s testimonials

Testimonial 1
      I have just finished a 9-week stay at a wildlife rescue center in a small town in Africa. It was a great opportunity to learn how to work with animals. Accommodations were clean and comfortable. I had the chance to make friends from different countries who were equally interested in helping animals. The staff was kind, and dedicated, but demanding about the project and the animals. I have enjoyed my time there!
Mary Ann

Testimonial 2
       I have always done a lot of volunteering since I was a teen. In my opinion it’s very important to
volunteer, because you can really learn about helping people. Most Saturday mornings I go out with
personal experience!

Testimonial 3
Since 7th grade, I have taught people how to play the flute at my church. I teach different ages, but my favorite group is the kids from 6 to 9 years old. I have learned how to be more patient and responsible from my experience working with them, and I have gotten better at public speaking. From my point of view, volunteering increases maturity, since people have to give up their time for no money in return.

4. Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect tense.
a) I ____________ (to return) from four months as a conservation volunteer in Ecuador.
b) They ____________ (to enjoy) their time in Costa Rica dealing with turtles.
c) I ____________ (to book) a flight to Costa Rica this July, where I will teach English.
d) We ____________ (to help) the volunteer project with their marketing needs.
e) She ____________ (to arrive/just) home from South America.
f) We ____________ (to spend) one month volunteering with street children in Peru.
g) I ____________ (to visit) the websites you listed and contacted these NGOs.
h) He __________ (to spend) four weeks with the spectacled bear project in northern Ecuador.

  Expansion activity  

Work in groups of 3 students. Write C for Correct and I for Incorrect. Discuss why some
sentences are incorrect.

a) ( ) My brother has changed his job.
b) ( ) Laura has gone to India last month.
c) ( ) We think everybody has arrived now.
d) ( ) They have seen a very nice film yesterday.
e) ( ) Peter has written to us two weeks ago.
f) ( ) I have forgotten your birthday last Tuesday.
g) ( ) Sorry – I have forgotten your name...

Resultado de imagem para homework1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box using the present perfect tense. Then interview a friend and collect the answers.

cook         travel        eat
fail       appear        ride 

ever = já, alguma vez

a)  Have you ever traveled by plane?

( ) Yes, I have. ( ) No, I haven’t.

b) __________________ your best friend ever_____________________ with chopsticks?

( ) Yes, he/she has. ( ) No, he/she hasn’t. ( ) I don’t know.

c) ___________________ you ever ________________ a horse?

( ) Yes, I have. ( ) No, I haven’t.

d) _________________ your mother ever _________________  Thai food?

( ) Yes, she has. ( ) No, she hasn’t. ( ) I don’t know.

e) ______________________  you ever _________________ a test?

( ) Yes, I have. ( ) No, I haven’t.

f) __________________ your teacher ever ___________________ on TV?

( ) Yes, he/she has. ( ) No, he/she hasn’t. ( ) I don’t know.

2. Rewrite the sentences using for or since and the time expression in parentheses. Use the present
perfect. Follow the examples.

a) I don’t speak Italian nowadays. (three years)     I haven’t spoken Italian for three years.
b) They distribute Christmas gifts to poor children. (2001) They have distributed Christmas gifts to poor children since 2001.

c) We help the turtles in Tamar Project. (six years)

d) My friend works for a food bank to help homeless people. (2003)

e) Our teachers take part in health campaigns in our city. (five years)

f) My parents read fairy tales to children and elderly people every month. (1998)

g) Ann takes care of animals in a local shelter. (one year)

3. Read the questions of an interview for a volunteer job and match them to the answers.

a) Have you ever worked as a volunteer?

b) How interesting! What do you do there exactly?

c) What have you learned in that project?

d) Have you ever traveled abroad?

e) Can you work at weekends?

( ) I am a member of the monitoring staff. We monitor the visitors and teach children to respect animals and trees.

( ) Only on Sundays. I have classes on Saturdays.

( ) Yes, I have. In fact, I have worked for the National Forest Project since 2005.

( ) I’ve learned how to understand and respect nature, and also human beings.

 ( ) Yes, twice. To Ecuador two years ago and to Argentina last year.

Resultado de imagem para birthday party ideas4. Ann is having a birthday party. Two of her guests have just met. Complete their dialogue using
the verbs in parentheses.

Peter: (a)  Have you know (know) Ann for a long time?
Joe: (b) I ______________(know) her since high school. What about you?

Peter: In fact, we are cousins and we (c) ____________________ (work) together since 2000.
Joe: How nice! So, are you an engineer, too?
Peter: Yes. And what do you do, Joe?
Joe: I’m an archeologist.
Peter: Great! That’s really different! (d) _____________ you _____________ (ever/be) to Egypt?
Joe: Yes, as a matter of fact, I (e) ___________________(live) there for 5 years. I’m here on vacation.
Peter: That’s fantastic!!


Resultado de imagem para Have you known “Every life is in many days, day after day. We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love. But always meeting ourselves.” JOYCE, James. Ulysses.


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