How many? How much? Some/Any/No/Which?

Resultado de imagem para EGGSHow many?

Usado  com substantivos que podemos contar em unidades (countable nouns).
A: How many eggs are there in the fridge?
B: There are 12 eggs.

Resultado de imagem para PITCHER MILK

How much?

Usado com substantivos que não podemos contar em unidades (uncontable nouns).
A: How much milk  is there in the pitcher?
B: Here is some milk in the pitcher.


Countable nouns - singular and plural
Uncountable nouns - only singular

1. Classify the nouns below.  Write C for countable  and U for uncountable  nouns.

(   ) coffee
(   ) milk
(   ) apples
(   ) cookies
(   ) bread
(   ) sandwiches
(   ) juice
(   )potatoes

2. How many or how much? Fill in the questions.
a. _______________tomatoes are there in the basket?
b. _______________cookies are  there in the box?
c. _______________sugar is there in your coffee?
d. _______________carrot are there in the fridge?
e. _______________buther is there on your  bread?
f. _______________chocolate is there in the cupboard?

Some / Any
Descrevem quantidades indefinidas.
Some é geralmente usado em frases afirmativas e any em frases negativas e interrogativas.

Indica que não  há nenhuma quantidade de algo.

Resultado de imagem para potatoes  and carrot in the boxA: Are there an vegetable in the box?
B: Yes, there are some potatoes and carrots but there aren't tomatoes.

A: And  what about lettuce?
B: There's  no lettuce  at all.

3. Complete the sentences with  the words in the box.

some (2x)  - any (2x)  - no - is - isn't - are - aren't

a. A: Is there ___________ fruit juice in the pitcher?
    B: No, there __________, but there ________________ any in the cupboard.

b. A: Are there many tomatoes on the table?
    B: Yes, there _________  some but there  ______ any in the cupboard.

c. A: Do you want _________  water?
    B: Yes, please. I'm thirsty!

d. A: _____ there  ____________ spaghetti in the bowl?
    B: Yes, there is, but there are ________ sausages anymore

 Some pode ser usado  em perguntas quando fazemos um pedido ou uma oferta. 
 A: Can I have some coffee?    
B: Yes, of course!  

A: Do you want some cookies? 
 B: No, thank you.


A: Which is your favorite food, spaghetti or lasagna?
B: It's lasagna.

4. Complete the questions  with Wich , How many or How much. Then match the corresponding answers.

a. ______________ is favorite  dessert, ice cream or pudding?
b. ______________ sandwiches are there in your  backpack?
c. ______________ milk is there in the fridge?

(   ) There are five. We can have a picnic.
(   ) It's pudding. I love it!
(   ) Sorry, but there is no milk in the fridge.

5. Look   at the food items below and write  about your preferences. Use the expressions given.

 A.Resultado de imagem para salad ________________________________

B. Resultado de imagem para cake ___________________________________

C. Resultado de imagem para sopa de legumes _____________________________________

D. Resultado de imagem para arroz e feijao ____________________________________

E. Resultado de imagem para panquecas _______________________________

😋 = I LOVE
😊 = I LIKE


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