1. Leia as frases e marque a resposta correta. a) Harold : When will you take the Engineering Course? Mark : I am not sure. It ___________________next semester. ( ) is. ( ) might be. ( ) will be. b) Ann : Are you going to need new glasses? Allan: I need to. I’ve been getting headaches. ( ) will. ( ) might. ( ) am going to. c) Eric : Do you think Ellen will win the election for class president? Ann : Well, she but her campaign was not very convincing. ( ) will. ( ) might. ( ) is going to. 2. Leia as definições e relacione-as com os tipos de currículo: functional CV ou chronological CV. a) The emphasis is on employers and dates of employment. The first thing the reader’s eye can meet are the companies you have worked for and the years you worked there. It is not suitable for f...